To book accommodation through BH Traveler, follow these steps:

– Sign up on our website by providing the required personal details.

– Use the search functionality to find the desired property, hotel, or villa in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH).

– Select your preferred dates and check availability.

– Proceed to the booking page and provide the necessary information, including your booking time and payment details.

– Review the booking details and confirm your reservation.

– Once the booking is complete, you will receive a confirmation email with the necessary information.

BH Traveler accepts various payment methods, including credit/debit cards, online payment gateways, and bank transfers. Please note that when paying in cash directly to the property owner, BH Traveler does not guarantee the booking process.

The cancellation policy for each accommodation is determined by the respective property owner or manager. During the booking process, you will be provided with specific cancellation terms and conditions. To cancel a booking, please contact the property owner or manager directly as indicated in your confirmation email.

If you experience any issues or problems while using the BH Traveler website, please contact us at info@poslovnimarketing.com. We will assist you in resolving the problem as quickly as possible.

The contact information for the property owner or manager will be provided in your booking confirmation email. If you have any questions or need assistance during your stay, please reach out to them directly.

BH Traveler acts as a platform that facilitates the booking process between users and property owners/managers. We provide a convenient way to search, book, and pay for accommodations in BiH. However, please note that BH Traveler does not guarantee the booking process when payment is made in cash directly to the property owner.

Any modifications to your booking, such as changes to dates or guest information, are subject to the specific policies of the property owner or manager. Please contact them directly to discuss any modifications you need to make.

At BH Traveler, we take the security and privacy of your personal information seriously. We have implemented measures to safeguard your data and protect it from unauthorized access or disclosure. Please refer to our Privacy Policy for more information on how we handle and protect your personal information.

Yes, we encourage users to leave reviews and provide feedback on their stay. After your booking is completed, you may receive an email inviting you to share your experience and rate the accommodation. Your reviews contribute to the overall transparency and trustworthiness of our platform.

If you have any additional questions, concerns, or need further assistance, please reach out to us at info@poslovnimarketing.com. We will be happy to assist you.